This was my first time to mountain bike with another Thai girl. I was so stoked!
Saturday March 2, 2019
Meet Poppy and Kevin

I found Poppy’s channel when I was watching this video on youtube. Poppy was wearing Tsali bike jersey riding her mountain bike. Of course, there was no way for me to not give her a thumbs-up on her video and started to talk to her. Fun Fact: Do you know our dog name is Tsali? Because Trent and I fail in love with Tsali Trail in North Carolina, we named our lovely son after the trail name.
Poppy and Kevin (her husband) were traveling to this side of the country, so we planned to meet for the first time. It had been raining everyday for the whole week, and on only that day (the day that we planned to meet) we got a clear day. Definitely, we decided to meet and mountain bike with them at Coldwater Mountain Bike Trail System in Anniston, Alabama.
Coldwater Mountain Bike Trail in Anniston, Alabama

This trail system is like a hidden gem in the South East. Today, we already have around 40 miles of trail at Coldwater but thanks to Neaba (Northeast Alabama Bicycle Association)! Soon we should have around 100 miles of trail system here!
We were lucky to meet Mike from Neaba on the trail. He was sharing this awesome information with us and introduced us to Preston from FlowMotion Trail Builders. Preston was there working on the trail on that day. So we got a chance to do a quick interview with him. So now you guys know this big secret! Don’t tell anyone that we are about to have a rad trail system that is very close to us. Shhh….
Right now at Coldwater, there are 2 main trailheads: Anniston trailhead, and Coldwater Trailhead.

We rode with Poppy, Kevin, Victoria, and Mike the same way we did a few weeks ago. We started from Anniston Trailhead, to Tortoise Trail, to Power Trip Trail, then went on Oval Office Trail. From Oval Office trail, we went on Chilhowee Trail, Trillium Trail, and finished it off on Hare Trail.
Oh, did I mention that we met (I wish) a trail pig at the trailhead. She was so friendly.

It was a day full of friendship and good vibes. Thank you everyone so much, all of you made our weekend so special.

Thanks to Neaba for making and maintaining such awesome trails. Without you, we won’t have this much fun!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain